Community Consultation Groups

In the period January – February 2017 the AuToMa partners conducted simultaneously in all partner countries Community Consultation Groups (CCGs). The main goal of the activity was to collect new training needs and possible professional skills’ gaps about automation, technology transfer and managerial practices for the growth of SMEs, a better employability and the promotion of the entrepreneurship. The feedback collected from the CCGs (87 people in total) will serve as basis for the development of the AuToMa Learning Methodology (IO1).

In the Community Consultation Groups took part future entrepreneurs and students who want to develop business in manufacturing sector; entrepreneurs and employees of SMEs who want to improve their qualification or re-qualify, as well as unemployed people who want to gain initial competences; representatives of universities, Research centers and VET trainers that want to improve or update their learning curricula; offices for company support; employment agencies; local development associations; government bodies and other stakeholders.

A total of 5 CCGs took place, one in each AuToMa participating country: Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Spain. The CCGs were formed by 21 participants in Bulgaria, 18 in Italy, 20 in Poland, 16 in Slovakia and 12 in Spain.